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Explore Xishuangbanna and Kunming, Yunnan

Located SW of China in Yunnan district, the city of Xishuangbanna is increasing of economic development in tourism and others hospitality sectors. However, unlike Shanghai, the people combined more than 50 ethnic, a real community’s diversified and fascinating culture, beautiful mountains and plains.


The Dai minor community originally dwelled here for centuries. Believed that Dai people were related to the Siamese or Tai, the Lanna Kingdom that has been colonies by the Song Dynasty because the Dai culture, art and way of life similar to the Northern Thailand, included the language with differ accents.


The Dai is continuing on their way of life, Buddhism practices, traditional architecture, art and music, and the largest water festival in April, the “Song Kran” New Year celebration with holy water, food and spices. It is reminded  to Chiang Mai which is located in Northern Thailand, a small city that must be visited.


Aprroximately 323 miles or about 6 hours drive from Xishuangbanna, welcome to Kunming, a city with millions of people, and is becoming a most populous of tourists.

This is a crowded city, rush hour traffic jams and activities. However, Kunming offers a natural beauty and Chinese cultural diversified and streets food. 

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