Travel Advise by the Locals
Bangkok-Chiang Mai-Luang Prabang-Hanoi-Hoi An-Angor Wat or Malaysia
6 places in 4 countries or 7 places in 5 countries in 3 weeks

Chiang Mai
To Chiang Mai, by the train is cheaper and longer, it takes 10-12 hours from Hua Rumpong station, catch the subway train to the last stop Hua Rumpong, the train station just across the street. If you have free time, drop your bags at the station and stroll around China town about 1-2 miles away. Have some street foods and take some food for the trip. Food on the train is horrible and expensive, the train is about 50 years old and poor quality, but it is safe and functions well.
The new modern train is under progress and will be open for next few years. For travellers who want to fly, catch a taxi to Don Mueng Airport, check-in wait in long line and chaotic. About 17.8 million visited BKK, number one in the world?.
Get off the Chiang Mai Airport, you will greet by the red truck drivers, aggressive and ripped-off, However, there are white mini bus and red trucks that city provided for travellers. The cost no more than 20 Bath per trip, if need help, call your hotel clerks or Airport staffs. Chiang Mai, the center is surrounded by the old ruined red bricks wall which is surrounded by the water.
The most famous place is Ta Pra entry section; it is convenience and many restaurants, bars, hotels, street food, and weekend night markets with hundreds of vendors. Handmade jewelry, silk, crafts and more. People stroll along the street which is always crowded, make a reservation for city tours and mountain activities; visit the long neck hill tribes, elephant’s farms, rafting along the rivers, biking and test the real coffee and tea. There are many resorts in the mountains, night zoo and camping and bath in the natural hot springs and much more.
Get around in Chiang Mai, rent a cheap bike or a small motorcycle. Price is reasonable, and dealers are everywhere. A cell phone is cheap, prepaid is deduct per second, you may buy a sim-card at 7-11 store, and any vendor must present your ID. ATM money machines located everywhere, especially in the Malls.